Fine Art Asia 2018: Programming

fine art asia
Sep 13, 2018 6:40PM
Sophia Vari
Infinite Danse, 2011
Galerie Dumonteil

Lecture Programme

29 September - Saturday

12:30-13:30, Mr. Andy Hei & Mr. Warren Cheng

From Sitting on the Ground to Sitting on a Chair: the Evolution of Chinese Furniture - Presented by Hong Kong Antique and Art Galleries Association

14:30-16:00, Dr. Roslyn Hammers

Ink’s Brush with labour: The Work of Wang Meng (c. 1308 -1385) and Huang Binhong (1865-1955) - Presented by The Ink Society

16:30-18:00, Mr. Szeto Yuen-kit

Wu Guanzhong’s artistic and affective connections with Hong Kong - Presented by The Ink Society

30 Setpember - Sunday

12:30-13:30, Mr. Glenn Fuller

Impressionism and Collecting in the 21st Century

14:30-16:00, Mr. Sunny Tang

A Pleasure Shared: Chih Lo Lou Collection of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy - Presented by The Ink Society

16:30-18:00, Mr Lawrence Chu, Mr. Leung Kui Ting, Dr. Raymond Tang, Professor Josh Yiu, Ms. Carmen Shek Cerne

Panel Discussion: The Art and Legacy of Lui Shou-kwan - Presented by The Ink Society

1 October - Monday

12:30-13:30, Esmé Parish

Chinese Export Silver - A Legacy of Luxury

14:30-15:30, Mr. Dickinson Yewn

Can Fine Jewellery be considered as Contemporary Art?

16:30-17:30, Mr. Fu Wenjun, Mr. Stephen King, Mr. Robin Moyer, Mr. Mohan Palani, Mr. Leung Yui Hong

Panel Discussion: The Practice of Photography: Vocation, Obsession and Passion

fine art asia