[Chosun Talk] JooLee

Gallery Chosun
May 19, 2021 7:37AM

JooLee Kang focuses on change of ecological environment, transition of living organism, and evolution, created inevitably, to survive together. She interprets complicated interaction between human and nature in various perspectives, asks for understanding and consideration of our possibility and dignity through drawing and mixed installation. JooLee Kang graduated from Tufts University – School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in USA and Duksung Women’s University, and held solo exhibitions at Gallery NAGA in the U.S. (2020, 17, 14), Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art (2018), Gallery Chosun (2018), and Korean Cultural Center in Spain (2018). She also participated in curated exhibitions at Seoul Museum of Art - SeMA Storage (2020), Changwon Sculpture Biennale (2020), Amorepacific H.Q. (2019), Suwon Ipark Museum of Art (2018), Fitchburg Art Museum in the U.S. (2018), and Taipei Fine Arts Museum in Taiwan (2017). Kang has been invited as an Artist-in-Residence at Gyeonggi Creation Center (2018), Cheongju Art Studio (2017), Willapa Bay AiR in the U.S. (2015), and Inside-Out Art Museum in China (2014). She is actively working in both the U.S. and Korea now.

Gallery Chosun