About the Fair: IFPDA Fine Art Print Fair 2017

Oct 5, 2017 4:08PM

Image courtesy of IPFDA, 2016.

The 2017 edition of the Print Fair will be held in the River Pavilion at the Jacob K. Javits Center in the Hudson Yards District of New York City, October 26-29th.  

Proceeds from the Fair support the IFPDA’s educational programs and the IFPDA Foundation, which provides grants to museums and cultural institutions worldwide to support a greater awareness of prints.  

Established in 1991, the IFPDA Print Fair is the largest and most celebrated art fair dedicated to the artistic medium of printmaking. Each year’s Fair presents an unrivaled opportunity to view and acquire outstanding works across the diverse range of periods and specialties represented by the IFPDA’s exhibiting members. While the Fair is known among museum curators and major collectors for its rare and exceptional prints, excellent works can be found in all price ranges, including exciting new projects from today’s leading and emerging artists.  



About IFPDA  

The International Fine Print Dealers Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the appreciation for prints as works of art conceived by the artist to be realized in this form. Much like sculpture, a print is an original work of art that can exist as a multiple, rather than a copy of a work in another medium.  

Now with more than over 160 members in thirteen countries, members of the IFPDA reflect a worldwide community of expert art dealers from old master to contemporary and editions publishers of internationally renowned contemporary artists.  

Through its network, online presence, and public programs, the IFPDA is committed to fostering knowledge and stimulating discussion about collecting prints in the public sphere as well as a global art community interested in prints. The IFPDA Print Fair, held annually in New York City, is the largest and most celebrated art fair dedicated to the artistic medium of printmaking. Through its charitable Foundation, the IFPDA advances research, education, and dialogue about works on paper. The IFPDA Book Award honors scholarly excellence and original research.  

The IFPDA is a member of CINOA: Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d'Art, the global association of art and antique dealer associations whose members share a commitment to reputable standards of quality, expertise and integrity.