Judy Hecker's IFPDA Fine Art Print Fair Online Picks

Jun 3, 2020 6:10PM

Jenny Gibbs, Executive Director of the IFPDA, invited Judy Hecker, Director of International Print Center New York (IPCNY), to pick her favorite things from the 125 booths of the IFPDA Print Fair Online.


I was like a kid in a candy store at the proposition. Excited and overwhelmed. Expanding the beloved Print Fair to all IFPDA members and taking it online has created a treasure trove of prints at a time when we crave culture.

But when I sat down this week to make the choices, our world had changed again -- with nationwide protests following the unconscionable murder of George Floyd, and countless other discriminatory and brutal racist acts. Art speaks to us powerfully in times of upheaval, crisis, and need. The prints I chose are of resistance and resilience, using a range of strategies: appropriation, disruption, the vernacular, satire. While the meanings of these works are manifold, one thing is clear: Black history matters, Black culture matters, Black artists matter. Black Lives Matter.


Sam Durant
Consider listening, 2018
Krakow Witkin Gallery
Rashid Johnson
Run, 2018
Hauser & Wirth
Lorna Simpson
Counting, 1991
Brooke Alexander, Inc.
Adrian Piper
Mokshamudra progression, 2012
Polígrafa Obra Gráfica