My Highlights from ARCOmadrid 2014
I was delighted to see so many interesting sculptures, of which I chose a few that seemed either especially characteristic of the artists who made them or, to the contrary, surprising exceptions. I was also pleased to find a range of generations, media, techniques, and interests, that I also sought to represent. No overarching theme; simply works I’m looking forward to seeing.
My Selection:
Alexandre da Cunha, Herz, Heute, 2013, at Sommer & Kohl
Joaquín Torres-García, Building with man and objects, 1930, at Leandro Navarro
Ann Veronica Janssens, Candy Sculpture 110 - 600 - 805/2, 2013, at Galerie Micheline Szwajcer
Wilhelm Mundt, 573, 2013, at Max Weber Six Friedrich
Tobias Putrih, A, 2010, at Galerija Gregor Podnar
Cristina Iglesias, Sin título, 1988, at Galería Elba Benítez
Franz West, Sisyphos III, 2002, at Galeria Mário Sequeira
Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, Bird In Space Prototype for MACH 10 Hypervelocity Test (Produced in collaboration with the United States Air Force, Arnold Engineering Development Center and University of Maryland, College Park) and Bird In Space MACH 3 Hypervelocity Test (Run 2, 001003), 2012, at Christopher Grimes Gallery
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Sphere Packing: Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, 2014at Carroll / Fletcher
Carlos Garaicoa, Proyecto Frágil / Project Fragile (XIII), 2012, at Barbara Gross