
Korean Artist Project
Oct 15, 2015 8:54AM

                                Sang-Won Lee's solo exhibition  

  Lee Sangwon observes people at leisure places and portrays them in paintings and videos. His works, therefore, emanate familiarity and warmth that arise from personal and collective memories.   

The War Memorial of Korea, 2015 Acrylic on Canvas, 72.5x91cm        

  Lee focuses on patterns that surface from the behaviors of individuals and groups while they are engaged in leisure activities, more specifically, the uniformity and social trends that arise thereof. As for the composition in his works, Lee uses bird’s-eye view to depict the invariable movements of a crowd, and panoramic view for the motion of individuals. 

  To represent the uniformity of a large group of joggers, the artist draws a sequence of images to translate the sense of movement.   

  Sea Road, 2012 Watercolor on Paper, 21x89cm          

  As such, Sang-Won Lee depicts the familiar subject of leisure activity through various processes, and reinvigorates the dullness of everyday life. 

Curated by Oh Jun Kyung (Sungkok Art Museum)  

Sang-Won Lee is one of the participants of  Korean Artist Project, an online platform promoting Korean art.   

Click here to watch the virtual exhibition 

Korean Artist Project