LAND's Instagram takeovers feature contributions from Zoe Crosher, Edgar Arceneaux, Sarah Cain, and more!

LAND (Los Angeles Nomadic Division)
Jul 7, 2015 12:23AM

LAND's Instagram account includes images contributed by artists, offering a glimpse into their inspirations, artmaking processes, and daily lives. Check them out under the hashtag #LANDtakeover.

Bobbi Woods, creator of Chapter 8 of The Manifest Destiny Billboard Project, spotlighted some of her recent work. This still is from her video Hamm & Orion's Belt (2015).

Zoe Crosher, the co-curator of The Manifest Destiny Billboard Project and creator of Chapter 9: LA-LIKE: Shangri-LA'd, posted pictures of her trip to Palm Springs for the launch of her billboards.  The image below shows a performance of Scott Benzel’s Desert Center (Composition I-10, Mvmt IV: Dusk), a sound composition designed to respond to the traffic patterns and harmonics of Interstate 10.

Fay Ray, a participant in LAND's 2013 exhibition Come as you are..., shared pictures of her local environs and inspirations. This colorful image was taken at Solter Plastics, an LA store that stocks lucite and plexiglas.

Adam Putnam, whose work was featured in LAND's 2010 exhibition The Secret (Still) Knows, Instagrammed found images and photos from his daily life.

Edgar Arceneaux, who presented his film A Time to Break Silence at LAND's 2015 Frame Rate program, created text-image collages set in Detroit.

Ry Rocklen, whose installation Search for Ironed Curtain and Second to None was presented as part of LAND's 2011 exhibition Nothing Beside Remains, shared images of art found in unexpected places.

Most recently, Shana Lutker, the creator of The Manifest Destiny Billboard Project's Chapter 1: Onward and Upward, posted pictures from a trip to Zurich.

For more of these images, be sure to follow LAND on Instagram.  More takeovers are planned, so stay tuned!

LAND (Los Angeles Nomadic Division)