Latitude Art Fair Advisor Picks: Camila Yunes

Latitude Art Fair
Sep 23, 2020 8:10PM

About Camila

Kura’s founder, Camila, studied architecture at Mackenzie University (São Paulo, Brazil) and Paris Val de Seine’s Graduate School Ecole Nationale d’Architecture. Furthermore, she attended Sotheby’s courses in Contemporary Art and Its Market, How the Art World Works and Foundations in History of Art. Camila worked with sales & liaisons at Continua Gallery and on the production team at Aveline Gallery. She is currently a VIP Representative for ARCO Madrid and Lisbon, and co founded GoART Art Advising from 2015 to 2018.

The Selection

With the invitation of the Latitude Project, Camila Yunes Guarita (founder of the art consultancy Kura Arte), made a selection of the works that will be on display at the Latitude Art Fair.The selection counts with works by established and emerging artists, forming a set of works in different languages that complement each other in the composition of the contemporary artistic scene. Whether by the support or by the materials used, the artists comment on aspects intrinsic to Brazilian cultural and social experiences

Vânia Mignone
Sem Título [Untitled], 2020
Casa Triângulo
Aldo Tambellini
from Black Energy Suspended Series, 1989
André Ricardo
Facade elements, 2019
Galeria Estação
Hudinilson Jr.
Untitled, 1970's
Galeria Jaqueline Martins
Ana Mazzei
Paisagem diurna, 2020
Galeria Jaqueline Martins
Laura Lima
Wrong Drawing, 2071
Galeria Luisa Strina
Goia Mujalli
I have mango trees in my garden, 2019
Galeria Mamute
She falls into the milk, 2019
Galeria Millan
Fabio Miguez
Untitled, 2017
Galeria Nara Roesler
Aleta Valente
Dupla Exposição (Preço Popular), 2020
A Gentil Carioca
Marcela Cantuária
Deize Tigrona, 2020
A Gentil Carioca
Xucapita, 2020
A Gentil Carioca
Héctor Zamora
Desconcretização I, 2018
Luciana Brito Galeria
Héctor Zamora
Desconcretização II, 2018
Luciana Brito Galeria
Lenora de Barros
Study to Stabs , 2013
Anita Schwartz Galeria de Arte
Carlos Vergara
Untitled, 1972-1976/2020
Daniel Jablonski
Hy Brazil, 2018
Janaina Torres Galeria
Latitude Art Fair