Latitude takes you there! (Part 2)

Latitude Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad
Sep 7, 2013 4:11PM

We continue our look around the Brazilian galleries at Art Rio with Latitude: Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad

With the fair coming to an end on Sunday, we take a final look around the fair and uncover some of the interesting stories behind the booths of the Brazilian galleries on show.

Latitude: Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad supports the activities of Brazilian galleries and artists internationally. To be kept up to date with relevant information about happenings around the world, please visit or follow us on facebook.

Athena Contemporanea

The very young and energetic team at Athena Contemporanea are happy to present "Dramat Cidade", a work by Brazilian grafitti artist Zezão. Seen up-close, this work is being presented in Brazil for the first time after being on show in London at Opera Gallery. Zezão's work has gained international attention since the gallery displayed one of his installations at ArtRio 2012.

Mercedes Viegas

Getting ready to head off to take part in the show 2014 "Contemporary Art In Brazil" at the Wexner Center for the Arts in Ohio, USA, artist Vania Mignone represented by Mercedes Viegas Gallery is a highlight of the gallery's booth at ArtRio and is also currently presenting a solo show at the gallery’s space in Rio (until 2 October 2013).

Emma Thomas

Emma Thomas brought a wide range of artists to fill their booth space in ArtRio. On the left, is a beautiful work by artist Erica Ferrari who just completed a solo show at the gallery’s space in São Paulo and was a highlight of the ARCOmadrid Solo Project’s in Spain last February.

Latitude Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad