Why buy Brazilian Art?

Latitude Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad
Sep 4, 2013 9:56AM

It's fresh and consistent, it's universal and original, and it is attracting increasingly more attention from the international art community. In recent years, Brazil has come to be seen as one of the leading locations for the production and display of contemporary art.

Latitude: Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad is happy to welcome everyone to ArtRio 2013 which opens for guests today, bringing together exhibitors from 14 countries. We are delighted to be supporting 31 Brazilian galleries as part of the Latitude project and will be there to see galleries such as Galeria Millan (Booth N8), Zipper Galeria (Booth G3), Galeria Nara Roesler (Booth 16) and Mendes Wood DM (Booth M5) show work by Brazilian and Brazil-based artists such as Emmanuel Nassar, Renata Egreja, Vik Muniz and Daniel Steegman. At a fair situated within the inspiring landscape of Pier Maua by the Bay, our Brazilian galleries are sure to take centre stage.

According to a Sectorial Study Latitude published in July, the Brazilian contemporary art market has been growing on a rate of 22% annually since 2010. Old and new galleries benefit from the wealth of solid production taking place by artists at all different stages in their careers. For collectors, Brazil has an art scene to keep a keen eye on.

Within Brazil there still many artistic discoveries that can be made and ArtRio provides a fantastic opportunity for this. Latitude’s Sectorial Study also points out that the average price for a work sold by Brazil’s primary market galleries is around USD 10,000 which is quite affordable when you compare it to pricing in other markets.

Whether you will be attending the fair or browsing from home, we hope everyone has a chance to enjoy the view and art in Rio and hopefully all will discover something new.

For more details on Latitude’s Sectorial Study or to follow the activities of Brazil’s art galleries go to: http://www.latitudebrasil.org

Latitude Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad