My Highlights from Moving Image New York 2015

Lori Zippay
Mar 5, 2015 12:21AM

My Selection:

Peggy Ahwesh, Lessons of War, 2014, at Microscope Gallery

Lessons of War, 2014
Microscope Gallery

Ahwesh’s moving-image work has always defied easy categorization; she brings together elements of narrative, documentary, found footage, and digital animation, culling from multiple sources—including video games—to explore systems of meaning in mass culture. Offering political and cultural critique, her works also resonate with idiosyncratic humor and a strange beauty. 

Leslie Thornton, Binocular Animate: Sun Pump, at Winkleman Gallery

Thornton has long pushed the boundaries of cinema, video, and digital media to question the meaning of images in culture. Binocular Animate: Sun Pump continues her complex inquiries into vision and perception, as she transforms the “real” into a kind of digital kaleidoscope. Thornton’s elegant manipulations intensify the viewer’s focus, offering revelatory ways of perceiving the ordinary that are both profoundly intimate and otherworldly.


Eric Dyer, Copenhagen Cycles Journey, 2015, at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts 

Copenhagen Cycles Journey, 2015
Ronald Feldman Fine Arts

Dyer’s Copenhagen Cycles Journey also generates a playful dialogue between the digital and the real, the technological and the handmade. Dyer propels the viewer into an immersive digital zoetrope, transforming an early form of moving image animation into a contemporary visual language.

Explore Moving Image New York 2015 on Artsy.

Lori Zippay