Masterpiece Presents | Phyllida Barlow

Masterpiece London
May 22, 2019 9:55AM

Untitled: pompoms 2, 2011, Phyllida Barlow; photo: Alex Delfanne; courtesy Masterpiece London and Hauser & Wirth; © the artist

“I’ve never bought into the idea of looking at sculpture from just one viewpoint. What makes sculptures different from paintings is that they can be walked around and looked at from 360 different viewpoints, where each one slightly contradicts the next”

Phyllida Barlow

Masterpiece Presents provides a platform for innovative, immersive works of art at the entrance to the Fair. This year we are proud to showcase a sculptural installation by Phyllida Barlow, in conjunction with Hauser & Wirth, referencing the supersized ‘pom-pom’ works she first developed in the 1990s.

One of Britain’s leading contemporary female artists, Phyllida Barlow is well-known for using found materials like plaster, cardboard and cement, which turn the conventions of traditional sculpture on their head.

Barlow represented Britain at the 2017 Venice Biennale and currently has an acclaimed solo exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts until 23 June 2019.

Masterpiece London