New Miniature Museum at Gemeentemuseum Den Haag for five years

Miniature Museum Ria and Lex Daniels
Oct 30, 2013 3:59PM

On 16 November 2013, the brand new Miniature Museum building will open in the Wonderkamers at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, allowing the wider public to enjoy a collection of miniature works of art from world-famous artists.  

The (new) Miniature Museum includes a collection consisting of 2000 works of art by over 850 famous artists such as Damien Hirst, George Baselitz, Louise Bourgeois, Daniel Spoerri, Yves Klein, Marlene Dumas, Yayoi Kusama, Ed Ruscha, Roy Lichtenstein and many others, and is one of a kind. The collection consists entirely of miniature versions (it is based on a piece measuring 10x10x10 cm) of existing work and work produced by the artists especially for ‘the museum’. Ria and Lex Daniëls, Amsterdam art collectors and retired gallery owners, first devised the concept for the museum back in 1991. ‘What are you meant to do if find a packing box containing 85 miniature works of art after renovating your home? Hang them back on the newly plastered wall, or as Ria suggested: create a Miniature Museum? We opted for the latter’, explains Lex Daniëls. With the help of fellow galleries and artists, he and his wife saw their modest collection develop into the collection that it is today. A museum soon followed which was housed in the children's oncology department at the AMC Hospital for a number of years. Curator Jet van Overeem of Gemeentemuseum Den Haag was able to arrange for a completely new building measuring sixteen metres in length to be designed that will be officially opened on 16 November and that the wider public will be able to see for at least five years.

Benno Tempel, Director of Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, is proud of this new addition to the museum: ‘The Miniature Museum is very charming, but we should not underestimate its artistic quality. For now, a lack of space will not pose a barrier, so the Miniature Museum will be able to continue to grow into a truly amazing museum in the future.’

The very successful photographer Erwin Olaf, who also has a solo exhibition in the Miniature Museum, is absolutely delighted. ‘Soon after it was created, the Miniature Museum started to serve a good cause — financially supporting children's cancer foundation KiKa. All proceeds from the sale of the miniature catalogue go towards this good cause and this is one of the reasons why many world-famous artists wish to contribute towards the miniature museum's impressive collection. It is great that after having relocated a few times, the museum is now getting the home it deserves. The Gemeentemuseum is the perfect place for what is now a very valued collection belonging to two very special people.’

A new miniature catalogue has also been created to go with the new miniature museum which has been designed for the Gemeentemuseum. This catalogue includes a selection from the 2000 miniatures and all proceeds from the sale of the catalogue go towards children's cancer foundation KiKa.

To request a (high) resolution image, an interview or a review copy of the catalogue, please contact: Ria and/or Lex Daniels on +31 (0)650 600600

Miniature Museum Ria and Lex Daniels