PHOTOFAIRS | San Francisco 2018: Public Program

PHOTOFAIRS | San Francisco
Feb 14, 2018 8:42PM

The PHOTOFAIRS | San Francisco Public Program brings together international figures from the art world to open up the conversation around current trends in contemporary photography and collecting. You can view the full program here.

Ben Buswell
Untitled (Fold 1), 2018

1. Conversations features leading art world experts, artists, curators and collectors in a dynamic program of talks and panels. This program will examine key themes and ideas seen throughout PHOTOFAIRS | San Francisco. Read More.

2. Insights | The Poetry of Silence: Meditation, Elegance & Photography, curated by Alexander Montague-Sparey, Artistic Director, explores the medium’s historically innate quality at being both elegant and meditative. Focusing on photography's quiet capacity to capture the very essence of the human condition through haunting portraits, still lifes, as well as subliminal seascapes & landscapes, artists in the show include Tammy Rae Carland, Erica Deeman, Matt Lipps, Klea McKenna, Viviane Sassen, and Eva Shlegel, among others. Read More.

3. Connected is a platform dedicated to an important and current theme within the realm of video art. The first edition of Connected is curated by Justin Charles Hoover and is entitled The Channel of Democracy: Womanhood, Power & Freedom in Video Art. Read More.

4. Staged explores the relationship between photography and other art forms such as installation art, sculpture, video and painting. Read More.

5. Following the launch of Spotlight in Shanghai this September 2017, PHOTOFAIRS is delighted to partner with Branding Shanghai to present the distinguished Chinese artist, Hai Bo for the inaugural San Francisco edition. Read More.

6. The Book Signing program brings together key artists participating at PHOTOFAIRS | San Francisco. Visitors have the unique opportunity to meet the artists who will sign and dedicate their published books. Read More.

PHOTOFAIRS | San Francisco