SUNDAY Art Fair 2017 Announces Exhibitors

Aug 10, 2017 1:11PM

Image courtesy SUNDAY Art Fair

The 2017 edition sees 8 galleries returning from last year, with 17 that are new to the fair. This reflects the fair’s continuing engagement with showing galleries from underrepresented areas of Europe and America along with the more established art centres.

SUNDAY 2017 Participating Galleries

Barbara Seiler, Zurich

Berthold Pott, Cologne

Carbon 12, Dubai

Durst Britt & Mayhew, Den Haag

Future Gallery, Berlin

Galerie Samy Abraham, Paris

garcía | galería, Madrid

Good Weather, Arkansas

Ivan Gallery, Bucharest

Johannes Vogt, NY

Kasia Michalski, Warsaw

Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, NY

ltd los angeles, LA

Luce Gallery, Turin

Mieke van Schaijk, Den Bosch

PACT, Paris

Piktogram, Warsaw

PM8, Vigo

Rowing, London

Shulamit Nazarian, LA

Stems Gallery, Brussels / Luxembourg

Supplement, London

Suprainfinit, Bucharest

The Goma, Madrid

yours mine & ours, NY

Editions Section:

Daata Editions

Kunstraum / &editions

Liverpool Biennial

Nottingham Contemporary