Shepard Fairey



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“The peace sign has long been an important image and symbol for me, not just because I am pro-harmony and anti-war, but because it is the graphic icon that taught me the power of an easily recognized and reproduced symbol,” Shepard Fairey wrote in 2017. Over his three decades in street art, Fairey has incorporated anti-war motifs like peace fingers, doves, and flowers (a symbol made popular by anti-Vietnam War activists in the 1960s) into his own body of work. From poster campaigns fighting for justice in Darfur, Sudan to his iconic “Peace Guard” prints featuring guns growing red roses, Fairey’s work spreads a message of global unity. “Small rebellious acts like a piece of graffiti pushing back against injustice, encourage me to take action and remind me that regardless of how alone I may feel, there are kindred spirits out there,” he has said.

287 Artworks
287 Artworks: