Creased Crinkled Wrinkled


From the wind-blown, ruffling drapery of the Winged Victory of Samothrace to the crushed automobile sculptures of John Chamberlain, creases, crinkles, and wrinkles have long captured the interest of painters and sculptors alike. For centuries, trompe l’oeil painters have included depictions of crumpling fabrics in their hyper-realistic images, fooling the viewer’s eye through their renderings of complex puckers and folds. Recently, contemporary artists Lauren Seiden and Yrjo Edelmann have dedicated entire canvases to their illusionistic depictions of crinkling metals and creasing papers. Whether in marble or metal, porcelain or paper, artists have managed to sculpt creases, crinkles, and wrinkles in nearly every material, often taking an interest in the dynamic lights and shadows that emerge through this manipulation of form.

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