Net Art


Net art (or Internet art) describes work made in the 1990s through the early 2000s that uses the Internet as a primary medium. With the popularization of web browsing in the 1990s, artists began to circumvent traditional modes of display in institutional art settings by creating interactive, interconnected viewing experiences. Often used interchangeably with “new media art” (see also digital art), net art includes a wide range of works created by artists using web browsers, developer codes, scripts, search engines, and various other online tools. Notable artists and collectives associated with this movement include Natalie Bookchin, Heath Bunting, Jodi (or, Olia Lialina, Eva and Franco Mattes (or, Evan Roth, Alexei Shulgin, and UBERMORGEN.COM. Many seminal works of net art have been archived and digitally preserved in Rhizome ArtBase, a database for new media art founded in 1999.

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40 Artworks
40 Artworks: