Anca Poterasu

Anca Poterasu

Bucharest  •  New York  •  Prague
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Anca Poterașu Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in Bucharest that started out in 2011 in a charming old neighbourhood. With an extensive curatorial program, the gallery represents Romanian artists in international exhibitions and artfairs.
Anca Poterașu Gallery is a contemporary art gallery founded in May 2011 in Bucharest. Starting out from just 20 sq.m. of exhibition space in an unique turn-of-the-century-old setting, the Gallery has since expanded, becoming one of the best well-known art establishments in the city. The exhibition programme is centred on a curatorial practice that encourages collaborations with art practitioners from across the country and from around the world. The Gallery is involved in promoting Romanian artists internationally through exhibitions and art-fairs. Locally, the gallery supports the art-scene through publications, artistic and curatorial residencies and runs a project-space in Bucharest.