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The focus of our collection is original works of art such as oils, acrylics, watercolors, lithographs, etchings and other limited editions by the most prominent 20/21 century artists. Most pieces are newly framed with state of the art archival products.
As in the Bateau-Lavoir of the 1900s in our Gallery you will find works of some of the most outstanding artists of the 20th and 21st century. The focus of our collection is original works of art such as oils, acrylics, watercolors, lithographs, etchings, silkscreens and other original limited edition prints. Most pieces in our collection have been newly framed with state of the art archival products such as Tru-Vue Optium Museum acrylic, Rag, Silk and other acid-free mats, Italian moulding to ensure that the artwork is presented in the most stylish and safe manner.
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