Espace D'art Contemporain 14N 61W

Espace D'art Contemporain 14N 61W

Fort-de-France - Martinique  •  New York
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espace d’art contemporain 14N 61W was founded by caryl* Ivrisse Crochemar and established as a gallery in Fort de France on the island of Martinique, in January 2013.
espace d’art contemporain 14N 61W presents a range of artistic positions in all media, focusing and focused on contemporary art in the Caribbean and around the world; the authenticity, the presence, projection and reflection of its artists in the art they produce, leaving audience and collectors, enthusiastic, sometimes puzzled, but never indifferent. espace d’art contemporain 14N 61W is about research and reflection at the avant-garde, applied to the authenticity and truthfulness of the works and their authors, as well as critically engaged projection and reflection in contemporary art, its makers and supporters in the Caribbean and beyond.