Galeria Grasa

Galeria Grasa

Buenos Aires
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+5491164660925 +5491144359120
Galería Grasa is a project managed by the artists Carolina Martinez Pedemonte and Torcuato Gonzalez Agote. We are continuators of an extensive Argentine tradition of gallery-managing artists. We choose to work for and alongside artists with whom we share a professional career and emotional affinity. We are, more than a space, a community of self-managed artists who are committed to projecting themselves towards the local art market and creating new collections. In each show at Galería Grasa, artists transform the room so that viewers can immerse themselves in their universe. Meanwhile, the living-back room invites visitors to see the works in a context of conviviality and warmth. Thus, Grasa proposes a space that is both curated and everyday for the experience of contact with art.