Galerie 110 Véronique Rieffel

Galerie 110 Véronique Rieffel

Paris  •  Grand Bassam
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Dedicated to contemporary art and design, the Véronique Rieffel Gallery presents works by artists from the Middle East and the African continent, as well as Western artists who have built strong relationships with these regions of the world.
Dedicated to contemporary art and design, the Véronique Rieffel Gallery presents works by artists from the Middle East and the African continent, as well as Western artists who have built strong relationships with these regions of the world. Newly created, it intends to break with a Western-centered vision of the art market. Founded by Veronique Rieffel, a curator living between Abidjan and Paris, specialised in Art from Africa and Middle East, author of essays and catalogs, the gallery promotes both emerging and experienced Artists. Aiming to participate in and contribute to the new dynamism and organisation of the cultural landscape of these regions, the gallery proposes to enrich the knowledge of these artists and their cultural backgrounds through a multidisciplinary program.