Galerie Dorothea van der Koelen

Galerie Dorothea van der Koelen

Mainz  •  Venice
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Our contemporary art selection includes exceptional concrete, conceptual and constructive artworks. Since 1979 the Gallery Dorothea van der Koelen works on collaborations with high-profile international artists and the realization of large exhibition projects worldwide.
Our contemporary art selection includes exceptional concrete, conceptual and constructive artworks. Since 1979 the Gallery Dorothea van der Koelen works on collaborations with high-profile international artists and the realization of large exhibition projects in Germany, Europe and other continents. Moreover, the ›Chorus-Verlag‹ publishing house (1995), ›La Galleria‹ in Venice (2001), the foundation of the ›Van der Koelen Foundation for Art and Science‹ (2003) and the ›CADORO‹ (Centre for Art and Science, 2014 in Mainz) are part of Dorothea van der Koelen’s remarkable art-based establishment.