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The gallery showcases artists from the MENA region, with poetic and political works. For common point, there is the wandering, the exile, the quest. Questions and questioning of identities, genders, norms, departures.
La La Lande finds its roots in utopia and dreams. A world of beginnings and creation, which lends the gallery a name and a lineage. The La La Lande gallery was founded in 2018. After three years in the fourteenth arrondissement, it moved to the foot of the Pompidou center, in the heart of rue Quincampoix. A trajectory between the two shores which illustrates a moving crossing. The architecture of the place leads to an immersion in two stages. The picture rails on the ground floor, for the hung, nailed or hung works, suggest a descent, which leads to the experimental base, planned for the hybrid arrangements. There, underground worlds open up, invisible to the naked eye. Waiting for the look that will wake them up, they ferment.
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