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The gallery has a strong focus on performance and CEEA, especially contemporary Croatian artists. During COVID-19 Michaela Stock launched SALON REAL / VIRTUAL, a new gallery concept: real vs virtual. SALON VIRTUAL >
Michaela Stock is the founder (2008) and principal of galerie michaela stock an innovative, creatively driven gallery in Vienna for artist to create strong relationship between artists, curators and art lovers. The gallery has focused on performance art, strong focus on CEEA, especially Croatian artistst. Nevertheless, the gallery will remain true to its original aims: promoting young artists. From 2015 to 19 the gallery organised a yearly performance event. During COVID-19 Michaela Stock launched SALON REAL / VIRTUAL, a new gallery concept: real vs virtual. The focus is on a new perception of the exhibition space and the artwork displayed. The goal is to dock the real world more strongly and actively at the interface to the virtual world.
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