São Paulo
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HOA is the 1ST black-owned art gallery from Brasil's history of art. Part of HOA TOUR, an artist-led arts organization based in São Paulo, Brasil, founded in 2020 by Igi Lola Ayedun dedicated to latin-american contemporary art.
HOA is the 1ST black-owned art gallery from brazilian history of art. Part of HOA TOUR, an artist-led arts organization based in São Paulo, Brasil, founded in 2020 by Igi Lola Ayedun dedicated to latin-american contemporary art. Hosted everywhere (as long you have internet connexion), this place combines many emerging artist´s narratives with communication, exhibition, education, papo reto, studio practices and sales experience. Yes, here you can SEE, BUY, LEARN, TEACH, REACH and SWITCH that idea that latin-american art has this bourgeois colonized complex of being always late into euro/north-american aesthetics or those exotified bagunça archetypes of latin modernism or brasilian tropicalia full of rebels, without a genuine cause. Do not bossa nova us.