Hunna Art

Hunna Art

Sharjah  •  Paris  •  Failaka  •  Kuwait
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Hunna Art is a contemporary art gallery representing representing women artists based in the Gulf who are developing cutting edge visual languages and research that explores dominant historical, social and political narratives.
Founded in 2021 by Océane Sailly, Hunna Art is a contemporary art gallery representing women artists based in the Gulf. Tackling questions of power, of the women body and its representation, of the history of the Arabian peninsula, of social relations and of youth culture, Hunna Art's artists are developing cutting edge visual languages and researches that explore through art historical, social and political narratives as well as dominant representations. Hunna Art aims to contribute to the vibrant art ecosystem of the region while amplifying the voices and visibility of women artists and art professionals through collaborations, exhibitions, fairs participation and publications.