West Palm Beach
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Michali Gallery offers original works by leading artists, such as Pierre Soulages, Picasso, Andy Warhol, Wayne Thiebaud, Sam Francis, Bernard Buffet, Alexander Calder, Peter Doig, Chu Teh-Chun, Zao Wou-Ki, Yun Gee among others. Michali Gallery is opened only by appointment.
Founder and former owner of Galerie de Bellecour in Lyon, France, Dr. Jean-Marc Michali, at the same time of a 10 years experience in Dental Medecine, has exhibited in Lyon from 1986: Andy Warhol, Cesar, Combas, Claude and Francois-Xavier Lalanne etc. and sold Claude Monet, Renoir, Manet, Pissarro, Picasso works. Jean-Marc Michali is a specialist of Pierre SOULAGES and he is in charge of helping the control of the authenticity of his work internationally. Jean-Marc Michali is established in Palm Beach, Florida, since 2006, with his wife Sophie, graduated with a Diplôme de Muséologie de l’Ecole du Louvre, who joined Michali Gallery as Art Advisor. Thanks to its expertise, its competence and professionalism, Michali Gallery advises major international collectors and Museums.
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