Buenos Aires  •  Miami FL
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Pabellón 4 se proyecto como un espacio de encuentro para propuestas de arte contemporáneo, colaboramos en el desarrollo artístico de vanguardia centrado en la promoción de artistas innovadores y la representación de singulares referentes de los nuevos lenguajes plásticos.
272 / 5000 Pabellón 4 Contemporary art, is a meeting place for proposals of contemporary Latin American art, with the commitment to assume practices that prioritize the intellectual search, making emphasis in the production of works in different supports and disciplines, we stand out for being an independent reflective space that extends its praxis to the entire field of cultural production, with a semantic project that proudly privileges the quality of our artists and the exhibitions we represent. Pabellon 4 offers an annual program of 8 mostly individual exhibitions, where the artist can present from an important work, to a coherent body of work within a specific focus. We look for committed artists, who have reflective capacity beyond preconceived forms or generational segmentations.