

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
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Quimera is a Buenos Aires based gallery that works as a platform for the development of curatorial, exhibition and editorial projects. It represents an intermediate generation of contemporary artists and encourages in interdisciplinary dialogue.
Quimera is a Buenos Aires based gallery that works as a platform for the development of curatorial, exhibition, educational and editorial projects. It represents an intermediate generation of contemporary artists and encourages interdisciplinary dialogue by giving space to cycles, projects, artists and curators in its space. In 2016 it added an alternative exhibition space, Qubo, for site-specific proposals and in 2015 it launched its own publishing label Q · Editora, with bilingual publications and graphic artwork. Since its inception, the gallery opens new markets and makes Argentine artists known in unexplored destinations. The gallery belongs to Meridiano and the Abre Lista circuit and works actively for the development of the local scene.