Soapbox Arts

Soapbox Arts

Soapbox Arts is a consulting firm and gallery hosting rotating exhibitions of works in a variety of media by local and nationally recognized emerging artists. The end game? To connect veteran and first-time collectors with original, engaging new voices in contemporary art.
Soapbox Arts is a contemporary gallery space hosting rotating exhibitions of works in a variety of media by local and nationally recognized emerging artists. With a penchant for innovative mark-making, we highlight artists who enthusiastically embrace aesthetic exploration and whose work speaks a distinct visual language. We believe that original artwork elevates every space we interact with and treat it as an integral part of design on any scale. The end game? To connect collectors with the most original, engaging new voices in contemporary art. From initial consultations and virtual artwork placements to in-home trials and private installations whenever possible, we will work with you to facilitate each step of the acquisition process.
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