Studio d'Arte GR does not have a full profile.
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Studio d'Arte GR was born in 1978. The initial interest focuses on the work of the great Venetian masters of the 19th Century and on subsequent generations. From the mid-eighties the core business turned towards italian Informal, Spatial movement and Programmed Art.
Studio d'Arte GR was born in 1978, with the precise intention to articulate its activity in a mix of mercantile purposes, promotion and artistic support. The initial interest focuses on the work of the great Venetian masters of the 19th Century and on subsequent generations. From the mid-eighties the core business of the Studio turned towards abstraction, dealing with many players in the Italian Informal and the entire Spatial movement. From the second half of the nineties this activity was further enriched, with a total immersion in the Programmed Art world. Currently, the gallery alternates its traditional activity with the promotion of young talents who, experimenting with the most varied media, still maintain a dynamic attitude towards chromatic vibrations and luministic investigation.