Tang Contemporary Art

Tang Contemporary Art

Hong Kong  •  Beijing  •  Bangkok  •  Seoul  •  Singapore
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Tang Contemporary Art is fully committed to producing critical projects and exhibitions, earning international recognition as one of the most progressive and critically driven exhibition spaces in Beijing, Bangkok and Hong Kong, as a pioneer for contemporary art in Asia.
Tang Contemporary Art was established in 1997 in Bangkok, later establishing galleries in Beijing (2006) and most recently Hong Kong (2015). With their largest space in Beijing’s iconic 798 Art District, and as one of the most progressive and critically-driven exhibition spaces in China, the gallery strives to initiate dialogue between artists, curators, collectors and institutions working both locally and internationally. Tang Contemporary Art’s recent expansion to a 1,600 sq. ft. gallery space in Central, Hong Kong is part of a long term plan to develop their international programming. The space was inaugurated in October 2015 with the first solo exhibition of Ai Weiwei “Wooden Ball” in Hong Kong.
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