White Porch Gallery

White Porch Gallery

Miami Wynwood  •  Provincetown
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The White Porch Gallery is pleased to curate the art at R House Wynwood Miami and at the White Porch Inn Art Hotel in Provincetown. The concept is to showcase art in a living environment that is integrated with the art lovers surroundings, creating a connection to the art.
It the goal of the White Porch Gallery and it's owner & curator Tom Shirk to build and work with others to curate contemporary meeting places that have a buzz and energy about them where people want to go as a destination for the moment, their vacation, their evening, or that special event using art as that pop of color and spark of energy. This often creates strong connections to the art works. In the Wynwood arts district of Miami, R House’s concept is based on the integration of three key elements: Food, Art and Music. The art element is represented by the installations curated by the White Porch Gallery throughout the space. In(n) Art is the ever changing installation at the White Porch Inn Art Hotel in P'town. Both provide the chance to enjoy the art in a vibrant fun setting.