Lidzie Alvisa

Lidzie Alvisa

Lidzie Alvisa Jiménez (Havana, 1969) graduated in 1988 from the specialty of engraving at the San Alejandro Academy in her hometown. Later he studied higher studies in the same specialty at the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA), from which he graduated in 1994. Photographer, sculptor and installation artist, she has made more than a dozen personal exhibitions and has participated in group shows in Italy, Germany, Mexico, Peru, Chile, the United States, Belgium and Cuba.
Some "conceptual" artists neglect the workmanship of their pieces, confident in the forcefulness of the idea. The idea, they affirm, is valid for the form. The delight in the form, the technique to master it - they assure - are things of the past. The idea is the work. Lidzie Alvisa Jiménez, who is (also) a conceptual artist, does not seem to agree with these assumptions. His creations show a finish, an invoice, an aesthetic vocation such that they would be worth it for that alone. Lidzie is interested in the framing, the harmonious relationship between the elements of the framework, the contrast ... And for that reason it is no less "conceptual." It is enough to review his series: there is a solid, substantial speech, well articulated. There are clear and powerful visual metaphors. There is provocation and rehearsal. There is an interested reflection on controversial issues of contemporaneity. But, as befits art (even the most "political" and "committed" art) here the obvious, the commonplace is avoided. Lidzie is not an innocent chronicler: she is interested in making people think.