Winsome: Daily Life Aesthetic

Winsome: Daily Life Aesthetic

C Square Gallery is delighted to announce the upcoming group exhibition "Winsome," featuring the distinguished works of three artists: Chang Yung-Sheng (b. 1972, Taiwan) with his Tenmoku ceramics, Oliver Cook (b. 1992, UK) with his sculptures, and Hao Yun (b. 1963, China) with his abstract paintings. As the seasons shift from summer to autumn, the exhibition will create an elegant and captivating atmosphere, highlighting the intricate relationship between art and the changing seasons.
"Winsome" utilizes these graceful works to deepen the appreciation of home aesthetics, bridging the gap between Zen and romance. This exhibition allows visitors to experience the tranquility and inspiration art can bring during the refreshing golden autumn. Through their unique perspectives, the artists lead viewers into a world rich with beauty and contemplation, evoking subtle emotions tied to the changing seasons. This exhibition is not only a profound exploration of art but also a heartfelt interpretation of the aesthetics of life. Chang Yung-Sheng's Tenmoku ceramics captivate with their exquisite craftsmanship and deep cultural heritage, reintroducing the allure of this ancient art. Oliver Cook's sculptures, through their ingenious play with light and shadow, let us experience the beauty and poetry of everyday life. Hao Yun's abstract paintings, with their unique perspectives and deep thoughts, guide us into a world full of philosophy and emotion. Each piece serves as a window into the artist's soul, allowing us to glimpse their inner worlds and experience the delicate relationship between existence and constraint. "Winsome" harmonizes with the seasonal transition through the works of these three artists, allowing us to rediscover the charm of traditional crafts and the limitless potential of contemporary art. In this refreshing golden autumn, the convergence of heritage and modernity adds poetry and romance to our lives through art.
Chang Yng-Sheng
Chang Yung-Sheng's ceramic pieces are centered around the Tenmoku technique, originating in Japan during the Kamakura period and influenced by China's Song dynasty. His work blends tradition with innovation, showcasing a fusion of ancient techniques and contemporary aesthetics. Chang's meticulous attention to detail results in pieces exuding a refined beauty infused with Zen philosophy.
"Aurora Silver Oil Droplets", 2024, Glaze on porcelain clay, 16 x 16 x 5.8 cm
Aurora Silver Oil Droplets by Chang Yung-Sheng
This colorful glaze is created by scattering nano-film, which gives it a vibrant appearance. The colorful film moves with the light, resembling the effect of holding the aurora borealis in the air. When held, the silver oil droplets form the shape of an aurora in the hand.
Oliver Cook
Oliver Cook's sculptures play with light by polishing alabaster to reveal a translucent quality. Inspired by the everyday interplay of light and shadow, his work captures fleeting moments and infuses them with poetry and romance. Cook's sculptures are visually striking and offer a warm, tactile experience, exploring the aesthetics of everyday life to create serene, contemplative pieces.
"Object I", 2024, White Translucent Alabaster, 12.5 x 17 x 7.5 cm
Hao Yun
Hao Yun's abstract paintings, inspired by surrealist sculptor Hans Arp, use unique lines and shapes to express the abstract essence of life. His works depict inner states with muted tones and harmonious grays, exploring the tension between existence and constraint. Characterized by deep, contemplative colors, his paintings convey a profound understanding of life and offer visual beauty and intellectual depth.
"Untitled", 2023, Oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm
Installation View