Memories are Home

Memories are Home

Originally from Ghayathi, Abu Dhabi, Almansoori intertwines themes of growth and tradition in her works, reflecting the evolution of the United Arab Emirates. Her art explores the interaction between environment and identity, emphasizing the importance of maintaining one’s roots in a rapidly changing context.
Almansoori’s work, presented in Italy, encourages contemplation on how nations can maintain their roots while embracing forward-thinking.
The United Arab Emirates stands as a beacon of progress and cultural richness, seamlessly blending modernity with tradition. In this dynamic setting, a new generation of artists is capturing the nation’s evolution. "Memories are Home" showcases the work of Emirati artist Salmah Almansoori in Ventimiglia, Italy, organized by FIDAPA Porta d’Italia e Orizzonti and ARTEK in collaboration with Firetti Contemporary. Originally from Ghayathi, Abu Dhabi, Almansoori weaves themes of growth and tradition into her art, reflecting the UAE’s evolution. Her work explores the interplay between environment and identity, emphasizing the importance of maintaining roots amid rapid change. The exhibition features four of Almansoori’s series: "Who I Became," "I Was a Forgotten Moment," "Unfolding," and her latest, "I Reminisce in Colours." Each series offers a unique perspective on the UAE’s changing landscape while underscoring the need to preserve its identity during these transformations. For Almansoori, place transcends geography, becoming a framework for understanding identity. She believes our surroundings subconsciously absorb our thoughts, emotions, and memories, influencing our connection to roots, culture, and identity. Inspired by her move to Abu Dhabi and weekly trips back to Ghayathi, Almansoori began to view her hometown from an outsider’s perspective, sparking curiosity about the city’s name and significance. The story of Ghayathi traces back to Bedouins who discovered a groundwater source, leading to its establishment as a city of grace and rest. As a member of one of Ghayathi’s pioneering families, Salmah reflects on her family’s deep connection to the city and its role as a sanctuary in the desert. Almansoori’s work in Italy invites reflection on how nations can maintain their roots while embracing the future. Her art demonstrates how cultural heritage and modern innovation can coexist, inspiring global audiences to consider their own cultural identities and progress. While Western culture is rich in history, there’s often a disconnect from foundational roots, which can hinder progress. In contrast, the UAE exemplifies forward movement, offering inspiration to break free from stagnation and embrace a dynamic, progressive future.
I Reminisce in Colours
Her newest series, "I Reminisce in Colours," examines the diverse landscapes of Ghayathi, from desert expanses to urban evolution, reflecting the city’s profound impact on her identity. Through painting, Almansoori finds solace, expressing her experiences and emotions in intricate layers of color, each stroke a fragment of her journey.
Inspired by her move to Abu Dhabi and weekly trips back, Salmah began viewing Ghayathi from an outsider's perspective, igniting curiosity about the city's name and significance. The story traces back to Bedouins who discovered a groundwater source, leading to Ghayathi’s establishment as a city of grace and rest. As part of one of Ghayathi’s pioneering families, Salmah reflects on her family's deep connection to the city and its role as a sanctuary in the desert landscape.
Who I Became
"Who I Became" explores the relationship between Salmah's environment and evolving identity. Revisiting her hometown, Ghayathi, through documented images and memories, she examines how spaces shape one's essence, highlighting her history, identity, and culture. The series features photographs transferred onto tiles from significant places in her life, imbuing them with time and memory. This work captures individual moments and traces her broader journey of growth and transformation.
For Almansoori, place transcends mere geography, serving as a nexus for understanding identity formation. She believes our surroundings subconsciously absorb our thoughts, emotions, and memories, influencing our connection to roots, culture, and identity.
I Was a Forgotten Moment
"I Was a Forgotten Moment" is a series of observational paintings that explore the transformation of abandoned objects within various spaces. Almansoori reflects on how time integrates these overlooked items into the landscape, capturing their essence and preserving their narratives through abstract compositions.
"Unfolding" marks a pivotal evolution in Almansoori's artistic journey, focusing on her hometown, Ghayathi. This series delves into the complex relationship between place and identity, using mixed media and fabric to explore the tangible and intangible aspects of these spaces, with colors driven by deeply ingrained memories and emotions.