'Beyond The Frame' by Hijack - Artwork Selection

'Beyond The Frame' by Hijack - Artwork Selection

Galerie Adrienne Desbiolles is proud to present a selection of artworks from the exhibition 'Beyond The Frame' by Hijack, one of the most talked-about, upcoming artists in today's contemporary street and pop art scene. This viewing room is a journey into the vision of the artist, illustrated through images, texts, and quotes. With this exhibition, the son of Mr. Brainwash is marking his first solo show in Switzerland, presenting 37 new artworks at the gallery space in the heart of Zurich.
"Let your mind roam free, beyond the confines of tradition." – Hijack
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Hijack is a contemporary artist who combines fine art and street art to create visual commentaries inspired by social and political issues. From one-color stencils to large scale murals executed with painstaking realism, Hijack's work ranges across a variety of media, with oil on woodcut panels being his most recognized. He is constantly challenging the status quo with his signature tongue-in-cheek style and dark humor. The artist flew in from LA on the occasion of the opening of his solo show and was present at the gallery both on the 4th of September during the vernissage as well as on the 5th of September for the DZG - Zurich Galleries' Season Opening. The exhibition features his latest body of work, a curated selection of 37 pieces created by the artist for his first solo show with Galerie Adrienne Desbiolles. 'Beyond the Frame' by Hijack is visible in the gallery space in Zurich until the 4th of November 2024 as well as in the dedicated digital exhibition on our Artsy account.
Hijack's Vision
"When I began conceptualizing this floor sculpture, I wanted to explore the intersection of reality and illusion. The idea started with a simple observation: how art can sometimes feel so immersive that it seems to blur the lines between the depicted and the real. I envisioned a canvas lying flat on the ground, transformed into a dynamic colorscape with water so meticulously painted that it invites viewers to question its authenticity." – Hijack
Behind the scenes: the artist working in his studio
"Sometimes it's not the idea, design, or technique that defines a concept, rather it's the challenge of framing it that truly tests our creativity. The real question often becomes, 'How the hell are we going to frame this thing?'" – Hijack
Pushing Boundaries, 2024, Acrylic, Oil, and Spray Paint on Woodcut. Copyright: GAD Zurich.
"Transforming old found canvases and frames into new works of art is a process that combines both deconstruction and playfulness. When I destroy these discarded materials, it’s not simply about breaking them down but about injecting a sense of controlled chaos into the creative process." – Hijack
Pull It Together, 2024, Acrylic, Oil, and Spray Paint on Woodcut. Copyright: GAD Zurich.
"Each old canvas and frame carries with it the weight of previous histories and styles, which I use as raw material to challenge traditional notions of preservation and artistry. The act of dismantling these elements serves as a metaphor for discarding artistic conventions and embracing a more rebellious approach to creation, one where the remnants of the past are recontextualized into something unexpectedly fresh." – Hijack
I Prefer Clouds III, 2024, Acrylic, Oil, and Spray Paint on Woodcut. Copyright: GAD Zurich.
"Incorporating oil-painted, realistic woodcuts of the 'character' into this mix introduces a layer of tongue-in-cheek humor and self-reflection. The contrast between the meticulously rendered self-portraits and the chaotic, fractured backgrounds creates a striking juxtaposition that plays with the viewer's expectations." – Hijack
Time to Gogh, 2024, Acrylic, Oil, and Spray Paint on Woodcut. Copyright: GAD Zurich.
"By painting realistic woodcuts of the 'character' onto these old, deconstructed surfaces, I am both critiquing and celebrating the process of artistic reinvention. The final pieces become a playful commentary on how we rebuild and redefine ourselves through creative chaos." – Hijack
Fetching Ideas, 2024, Acrylic, Oil, and Spray Paint on Woodcut. Copyright: GAD Zurich.
Behind the scenes: the artist working in his studio