Pierre-Marie Brisson - "L'été continu"

Pierre-Marie Brisson - "L'été continu"

The gallery is pleased to present an exhibition by French artist Pierre-Marie Brisson, entitled “l'été continu”.
French painter Pierre Marie Brisson was born in Orléans on June 11, 1955. As a child, he developed a passion for prehistory and painting alongside his maternal grandmother, a first cousin of Paul Gauguin. By the age of 14, he was composing his first paintings. Pierre Marie Brisson has always nurtured a great passion for the heritage and traditions of Western art and civilization. His work has embraced the entire range of Western art, from ancient cave paintings and frescoes to Renaissance art and the early modern masters of the 19th and 20th centuries. His deep admiration for Henri Matisse shines through in his rhythmic compositions and exuberantly colorful abstract configurations. Pierre Marie Brisson is not content to follow in the footsteps of the French master, nor to pay homage to him. He reaches out and transcends the essential truths of Matisse's art. He has created a rich repertoire of poses, bodies, gestures and moods. This aesthetic presence suggests strong emotion. His early works seemed to “emerge from the ground”. Now they undulate in the sea breeze, breathe light and exploit color. Through his characteristic technique, somewhere between scraping and collage, his work favors matter and color. The Mediterranean has left its mark on his work and techniques. His art evolves. The artist immerses himself in new, warm, soft light. He brings to the fore moving, organic, living curves. This pure air and carnal emotions signal a new impetus, a renaissance and an artistic maturity. His sense of tradition, coupled with his passion for the history of Western civilizations, leads him to new creative processes. Pierre Marie Brisson composes works that pay homage to the rhythm and geometry that the masters of abstract and impressionist art infused into their canvases. These forms, gestures, strokes and moods make him a contemporary Fauvist.