Katrien de Blauwer | Old sweater gets new uses

Katrien de Blauwer | Old sweater gets new uses

In her photomontages, Katrien De Blauwer appropriates anonymous photographs, integrating them into her inner world and allowing viewers to recognize themselves, giving her narratives a universal dimension.
“It is like walking past a house you used to live in: the fact that it still exists, so concrete, makes everything that has happened since seem somehow insubstantial.” Rachel Cusk, excerpt from Outline
It's a story of three houses, three women and three bedrooms. The houses are located on the same street. At my parents house I have a separate bedroom with a big cupboard. At my grandmother’s house, I share the bed with her.At the neighbors there are two rooms: one big and one small. Sometimes we sleep in the same bed. I have a recurring dream: I can’t clean up my room at my parents house, nor can I find my clothes. They must be in one of the three bedrooms. - Katrien de Blauwer