Katrin Fridriks

Katrin Fridriks

We are thrilled to unveil for the first time at our seaside gallery in Knokke the exquisite "Indigo Starseed" series by the renowned Icelandic artist Katrin Fridriks. This series, featured in our ongoing group exhibition "Mirrors of Perception," encapsulates the profound connection between cosmic consciousness and earthly experiences.
Katrin Fridriks has developed her own, uniquely personal practice: by transferring the movement and speed of her gestures to paint, she manages to capture the very act of painting, thereby turning the picture itself into an event. Friedericke Schäfer
Fridriks' "Indigo Starseed" works are a powerful exploration of the Cosmic Mirror—a state of mind where perception transcends the boundaries of thought and opens up to the vastness of universal wisdom. Inspired by Tibetan Buddhist concepts, this series embodies the Drala principle, where the enchanting qualities of reality become visible through a deep connection with nature and art. In these artworks, Fridriks captures the essence of the Cosmic Mirror, offering viewers a glimpse into a realm where spiritual and temporal experiences coalesce, much like the mystical energy of Iceland's Jökulsárlón. Born in Reykjavik in 1974, Katrin Fridriks has become synonymous with a dynamic and intuitive style that merges speed, gravity, and natural forces into powerful abstract compositions. Her work exemplifies the interplay between control and spontaneity, where each piece emerges from moments of intense concentration and physical precision. This technique allows her to harness the raw energy of natural phenomena, translating them into intricate, vibrant canvases that pulsate with life and movement. The "Indigo Starseed" series marks a pivotal moment in Fridriks' career, representing the beginning of a freshly launched body of work that pushes the boundaries of her artistic exploration even further. This series introduces a new subject that collectors need to consider, not only for its innovative approach but also for its significance in the trajectory of the artist’s career. As the inaugural collection in this series, each piece carries the weight of being a cornerstone in Fridriks' evolving artistic narrative. Fridriks' art is more than just a visual experience; it is an invitation to connect with the deeper forces of the universe. Drawing inspiration from Iceland's dramatic landscapes—its green valleys, glacier-carved fjords, and black sand beaches—her work reflects the elemental power of nature. Each painting in the "Indigo Starseed" series is a meditation on the primal forces that shape our world, inviting viewers to explore the mysteries of existence through the lens of abstract expressionism.