Capricious Skies

Gallerí Fold

23 days left

Capricious Skies

Gallerí Fold

23 days left

Nature's unrestrained power in the northern hemisphere, where artist Hrafnhildur Inga Sigurdardottir grew up, fuels her creativity and serves as her primary source of inspiration. Her works vividly evoke powerful forces of nature while capturing a stillness amidst unpredictable and uncontrollable weather conditions.
Artist Hrafnhildur Inga Sigurdardottir grew up in the rural parts of southern Iceland, where the vast ocean meets the coastline. It was there that she became aware of nature’s unrestrained power, which serves as her primary source of inspiration. "The weather is in constant flux, it stimulates the mind and fuels creativity from every angle. One can never grow tired of such a magnificent natural masterpiece, the possibilities for artistic expression are endless,“ she says. Hrafnhildur Inga's work vividly evokes the powerful forces of nature while capturing a stillness amidst uncontrollable weather conditions. Given the inherent role of unpredictable weather in the lives of Iceland's inhabitants, the Icelandic language boasts one of the richest vocabularies in the world for describing weather and sea conditions. The titles of all her artworks are derived from weather phenomena, many of which are seldom used today. Hrafnhildur Inga Sigurdardottir graduated from the Icelandic Collage of Arts and Crafts in 1984. After a 15-year career in the advertising industry, she transitioned to painting in 2000. Her artwork has since gained significant recognition, resulting in numerous solo exhibitions in Iceland and abroad. She has also participated in various group exhibitions and art fairs across Europe and the United States. Hrafnhildur currently resides in Fljótshlíð, Iceland.