Georgia Hinaris

Gallery VICTOR

10 days left

Georgia Hinaris

Gallery VICTOR

10 days left

Join us in this show as we immerse ourselves in the dynamic and compelling pieces of Georgia Hinaris. Through her cinematic paintings Hinaris places a unique focus on composition and as well as a strong emphasis on color texture and movement. Her pieces have an extraordinary ability to draw the viewer in and create spaces for reflection and introspection within the unique stories and narratives they tell.
Georgia Hinaris creates singular body of work that draws in and a compels the viewers to delve further into her pieces. Her pictures, are as visceral and perplexing as the horror films they take inspiration from. By employing the horror genre as a means to introspection she creates captivating narratives. This fills the works with a certain kid of mystique that explores the depths of the human subconscious. Moreover, Hinaris' work revolves mostly around the human body and specially the female figure as a subject matter. The horror elements in conjunction with the cinematic qualities of the work and its intimate subject matter make the viewer feel as if they are intruding in a private moment lost in time. However, one can't help to be drawn by the skillful use of color and unique style depicted through each of her pieces