Marilyn Borglum - Art on Paper NYC 2024

Larissa Wild

8 days left

Marilyn Borglum - Art on Paper NYC 2024

Larissa Wild

8 days left

Marilyn Borglum - Works on Paper
"My work is about how we process information, it's about learning to see beyond our tendency to take things for face value, because things are often not what they appear to be".
Marilyn Borglum’s artistic journey has been marked by significant shifts, reflecting profound personal and philosophical changes. Initially, her work focused on formal elements, particularly exploring the form, mass, and movement of horses through an organic, calligraphic style. This approach, rooted in her early experiences and education, represented her understanding and capacity at that stage of her life. However, a pivotal period in her late thirties to early forties dramatically altered her perspective. This life-altering experience reshaped not only her worldview but also the direction of her art. No longer content with focusing solely on formal elements, Borglum became deeply engaged with the complexities of human perception and the ways we process information. Her work began to explore the idea that things are often not what they seem, challenging the viewer to look beyond surface appearances. Borglum draws inspiration from the Cold War era, a time she recalls from her childhood as a period filled with layered messaging and propaganda. By referencing this historical context, she addresses the subtle and overt influences that shape our understanding and challenges the viewer to reconsider how we perceive and interpret the world around us. In essence, Borglum’s current work is a reflection of her evolved artistic and personal journey—one that seeks to provoke deeper thought about the narratives and realities that shape our lives.