Kaláb’s Colorful Dimensions

MAGMA gallery

12 days left

Kaláb’s Colorful Dimensions

MAGMA gallery

12 days left

All the exhibited works were made specifically for this show. Among these, the public could appreciate both a careful selection of pictorial works, among which "Atomic Bubble Blue", icon of the exhibition and already considered by many enthusiasts as an important turning point for the style of Kaláb, and the great sculpture " Honour to Brancusi ”, in perfect balance between the elegance of the forms and the pop language. In the other pictorial compositions exhibited, it will be possible to appreciate, at a level that is perhaps still unpublished due to control and maturity, the typical characteristics of his style, or the dynamism of shapes that remembers cells, drops or planets, the hypnotic chromatic fluidity and the wise capable shades to create a perceptive illusion of three-dimensionality.