NORAVISIONSOLAR is a work-in-progress project of paintings on solar panels by Franco-Slovenian artist Norma De Saint Picman
Artist worked on that sustainability project from 2018, proposing on one hand decoration of big public spaces - metros, tunnels, airports, and, on the other, participation on the auctions, donating 50% of the profit for recyclation of old panels
Works have already been shown in Installation in the lobby of Ministry of Culture of Slovenia, ARTES DEI in the atrium of Ljubljana's Križanke, performance within FRAGMENTED IDENTITIES and Santa Chiara Glass Cathedral LUCE DELL ETERNO personal show, Venice, September 2020, displaying paintings on solar panels, sculptures and plates combining ceramics and glass, an improvisation dance opening performance of the artist. Paintings are combining several cycles - Jardins d'Eden landscapes: Hydrangeas, Bride's dress, Sunflower, Red bush, autumn; expressive figural diptych The Sun Queen-La Reine Soleil and The Boy of the Moon, which also include metal applications; diptych Luce dell eterno, Santa Chiara, inspired by a huge crystal chandelier from medieval Santa Chiara, Vanitas - a bouquet of Artes Dei. Sacral inspired diptych "Beatrice and the Sage," and " Madonna with a child " to sum up the real sculptures from the Lobby of Plečnik's Križanke. The central two-meter painting Cosmic Crystals is a combination of a collage of digitally transformed prints of a watercolour sketch used to order the Panta Rei Academy, and symbolically represents a breakthrough into the future, Cosmos, Aquarius, as opposed to the historically heavier image of Santa Chiara with the qualities of Saturn. Plates in ceramics and glass, with the central figures of La voix du prophête (Prophet's voice) and the Singing Marquise (Marquise qui chante), which simultaneously summarize the seven virtues - Castitas, Temperantia, Caritas, Industria Humanities, Humilities. At the entrance, we are greeted by a boy's portrait of artist's son Aaron, in a combination of bronze, iron and wood, with a carnation, the story of which we will explain some another time. On the opening day of Venice Glass week, an exhibition "Unbreakable - Women in Glass" was opened in the immediate vicinity of the Berengo Studio, an exceptional exhibition of sixty artists who create in glass. I also had the honor of meeting Adrian Bereng and painting his portrait on the solar panel behind the indicated hanging objects of Johanna Vasconcellos and Ai Wei Wei. A special set is represented by night paintings of Venice - flooded Venice, San Marco Square - "Venice e spettacolare anche nella tragedia", and Christmas Ljubljana. The exhibition highlights the connection between painting, architecture, sculpture and performance. I sincerely thank companies Suncontract and Bisol for their support in all projects.
Norma De Saint Picman, intermedia artist, painter, sculptor
Norma de Saint Picman is Franco Slovenian intermedia artist working internationally in painting, graphics, sculpture, and ceramic sculpture, engaged in several years of projects search, interwoven Parallel reali Parallels and Associated fragments of Realities, exploring intermedia installations connecting video, dance, and music improvisations through expressive figurative postmodern approach, ultimately devoting herself to build global blockchain based Art platform Noravisiondecentralized.