Javier Rey: Amorphisms

Javier Rey: Amorphisms

"Amorphisms" explore the distorted and negative self-image, which is constructed and mutated from emotions, lived experiences, and interactions with others.
The artist starting point is photography, which allows him to explore his self-image and reconstruct it, resulting in a mass of skins that clump together in space.
When inquiring into his perception, the artist recognizes the body as an uncomfortable and changing mass, as an object that he inhabits and deteriorate with use, a weight that he has to drag like something alien and annoying. This project is the transition from a mental image to a concrete image and starts from a doubt: not being able to identify himself with something that is constantly changing, looking for himself, and finding only a misshapen lump that moves and breathes.
Amorphism (Solo)
Archival pigment print
Amorphism 4
Archival pigment print
Amorphism 2
Archival pigment print
Amorphism 8
Archival pigment print
Amorphism 3
Archival pigment print
Amorphism, Juntos. Diptych
Archival pigment print