Un número 72

Tönnheim Gallery

30 days left

Un número 72

Tönnheim Gallery

30 days left

Paula Valdeón with her project "A Number 72," presents a series of works that invite us to delve into the biography of a building, to pay attention to what once was and which, under the artist's eye, transforms into something new.
Each piece in "A Number 72" is a fragment of history, a testimony to how time has transformed these private spaces into public ones. Valdeón's work confronts us with our own relationship with the city, with how we move through it, with what we choose to see and what we prefer to ignore. Using techniques that combine weaving and pixelation, the artist dissects the motif of the peacock, that symbol of splendor which now fragments and reconfigures into abstract compositions.
Carved glazed ceramics
This time, Paula Valdeón´s eyes are fixed on number 72 of Calle Mayor. There, in the former residence of the Señores de Luzón, the artist notices the echo of a past that persists in the 19th-century modernist tilework, designed by the ceramist Daniel Zuloaga, and in the ornamental paintings of the painter Álvaro Alcalá Galiano.
Vinyl acrylic paint and marble dust on linen canvas
Creating almost schematic compositions through an aye that lingers on details.
Paula Valdeón
Valdeón has turned the texture of spaces into her most intimate language. Her work urges us to listen to what has always been there, waiting to be discovered.