Mirijam Heiler_ the language of clarity

Mirijam Heiler_ the language of clarity

Miriam Heiler's artistic form of expression is based on refined, minimalist formulations that are characterised by a subtle layering of gestures, rituals and readings. Her paintings are allusions rather than narratives, they are colourful invitations to the viewer to engage with thoughts and feelings.
"My objective is to establish order and clarity" - Mirijam Heiler
Using the method of reduction, Heiler removes everything superfluous from her paintings by dissolving the colour with plenty of turpentine. The delicate colour nuances convey lightness and freedom. Clarity also characterises the rhythmically drawn works. The only slightly varied repetitions have a meditative character and radiate a great deal of poetry and elegance precisely through this apparent simplicity. In her works, Heiler depicts a world of soft grids and nets that conceal a sky or delicately coloured backgrounds. In this way, she evokes the search for the unspoken, for what is hidden behind the image, behind the shell, behind the appearance.
exhibition view_Mirijam Heiler
Mirijam Heiler_outlook for the future
Mirijam Heiler_fences_oil on canvas